Saturday, July 21, 2007

We go walking and walking and walking...

Today we toured Tian En Men Square, Forbidden City, and Summer Palace.
It was a very busy day for us today. We were up and at em early to have some breakfast so that we could meet Lifeng (our guide) in the hotel lobby at 8am.

First stop was the Forbidden City and Tian en Men Square. The size of this complex is staggering!

As you can see from the pictures it was very hazy. I was quite surprised that it was not more humid than it was, just hazy.

I must say that I do not think I will ever complain about the traffic again!! WHOA, this place is nuts, people walking, riding bikes and cars all share the same road....just plain nuts!!

We had lunch at a local Chinese restuarant for lunch that was really yummy, although I was a little nervous to eat but did try a little bit of everything. Really good food. Chris and Marty got the good eater awards for today....lunch and dinner. Dinner was...are you ready for this....make sure your sitting down...well of course you are sitting down, you are on your computer....ok ok ok ...we had dinner at Pizza Hut!! HAHAHAHAHA it was GREAT!!

Chris, Marty and Leslea trying to pull silk....we failed.....HAHAHAHA
Jet lag is setting in so I will sign off for now.
Tommorrow at this time Chris and I will be the proud parents of Olivia Jade!!
Blessings to all,
To be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PIZZA HUT? HAHA! Thats ok- I had lunch at at McDonalds in Venice once.

Still in my prayers- I love the pics.
