Monday, July 30, 2007

Medical Exam

Today we had medical exams and filling out tons of paperwork for the Consulate appt. We arrived at 8am and the tests were underway.

Olivia did not like the Doctor near her ears and began crying. She has not been tugging or pulling at her ears so I hope she does not have an ear infection. She did very well at the hearing test. The Doc started playing this little piano - I assume to distract her - and the started squeaking this toy at her right, she immediately turned her head to the right to look at the toy. He kept squeaking the toy and started snapping his fingers on her left side. She turned to the left. I was beaming with pride! The doc did this about 3 times, gave a hmmmm, and noted something on her file.

The next room was weight and length. Once again Olivia did not like to be taken from her Mama and started crying. Olivia weighs 22 lbs and is 28 inches tall. The ladies handed her back to me and the crying stopped. I think she is a Mama's girl!! I LOVE it!!

The final room was head circumfrence, but we were not given this measurement. Although I can tell you she has a BIG head! Sometimes her head gets stuck in her shirt when taking it off! She does not like it but I think it is funny. Her head is the biggest thing on her. Oh yeah, I also had to undo her diaper to prove she was a girl.

Chris and I took a short walk after lunch but other than that we did not do much today. None of us - Sharon and Marty included - are feeling all that well. In fact while Olivia took a nap I took one with her. I am not sure what I have but it is all in my throat!! IICCKKK Olivia has a little congestion and some green icckies so we started her on amoxicillin the other day. She seems to be doing a little better but she still rattles a little and has the runny nose. Currrently she is sitting on the floor having a little temper tantrum. She wants to touch this huge clay pot and will not take no for an answer. She does NOT like to be told no! So, she has learned some English words, no, eat, more and her name. Though, when she is mad we have better response calling her by her Chinese nickname, Miao Miao. Another bad habit, she has starting biting, WHEW, not good, she has gotten me once and Chris 3 times. The 3rd time with Dada and she was in serious trouble. He gave her a stern talking to and she has not done it since. Very smart girl!

It is 430pm here and we are going to order from Danny's Bagels. This resturant is owned by a guy from NJ, so we are excited!! WESTERN FOOD!!

Take care and see ya soon,

Chris Leslea and Olivia


Anonymous said...

How much gas milage is my truck going to get? Does it have a air conditioner?


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I missed the phone call from my baby girl. I know She was calling her Nanner. Try again, please.