Monday, August 6, 2007

All is well...

Today was Olivia's wellness visit with Dr. Taylor and she just "loved" it....NOT!! I am sure patients waiting in the waiting room were wondering what the heck was going on and what kind of doctors office they were in...but we walked out!! HAHAHA

The doc does not believe that she is 16 months old either but we are going by 3/27 as that is the date on the paperwork.

Today she is starting to babble a little more. Which makes me believe she is getting more and more used to her surroundings. She will still sing lalalalamamamamlalalala over and over again. During lunch she was singing mamamama so I started singing dadadada and you could just see her little lips trying to get dadadada out. I dont think it will be long before she is talking up a storm.

She is getting used to the time change. She slept a full 10 hours last night and took a nap from 130pm-315pm - and so did Mama!!

She is getting used to western food and is more than willing to try anything. Last night I was feeding her leftovers from Grandma, beans and greens, she very willing took the beans from the spoon, started chewing, and I watched!! Well, she got this look on her face like "mama what are you feeding me?" I started laughing and asked her if she liked it, she shook her little head no and spit the food in my hand! HAHAHA ....Uncle Chuck at least she tried it! She has a stash of peas and carrots she wants you to try! I will fed ex them to you tomorrow. All you need to do is flash them in the microwave and they will be yummy!!!!

She loves bath time but we found out that we need to let the water drain before we can take her out, if not whew we have one Miss Cranky Pants on our hands! Not pretty~
Well, that is all for now, of course Olivia thinks it is time to EAT....and it has only been and hour since she ate!
Take Care we love everyone!

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