Friday, September 14, 2007


It is hard to believe that we have been a family for 7 weeks! Each day I look at my daughter in pure amazement, there isn't any food she will not try! Although, if she does not like it, you better be prepared to watch it come back to you. Amazing! As I watch her run around naked in my kitchen at 755pm she walks over to the potty and almost makes it! Amazing!! My mother was correct, it is more training me than her, obviously I do not have her signs down yet! She is becoming more and more affectionate each day. She will actually walk up to me now for a hug or kiss. She will even walk over to me and freely give me a kiss without me having to ask for one! Amazing! Could she possibly understand that I am her Mama and not just the caregiver? Amazing! I also find myself often thinking of the woman who gave Olivia to us! I wonder if she is ok! I never believed that I would think of her so often, but I truly am thankful for her! Amazing! Each night while giving my prayer of thanksgiving to the Heavens she always seems to enter the prayer. I have asked myself many many times why I continue to pray for her, the answer is very clear, without her I would not have my amazing daughter! I am so very lucky and thankful for everything I have and where I am in my life! My prayers of Thanksgiving are unending!!

I look back at the pictures we took in China and I see a scared, nervous and uncertain little girl. I look at pictures of her from a few days ago and I see a child coming into her own, testing her Mama and Daddy, a smile on her lips and a twinkle in her little eyes!! Sharon you were right, I do see a major difference from pictures taken in China to pictures taken yesterday and even today.

Olivia now has 12 strong teeth. And I do mean strong, she has gotten me a couple of times! OUCH! Hmm, maybe I should keep my finger out of her mouth! HAHAHA

Take Care!
We love everyone!
The Caschette's

1 comment:

Sharon said...

It is so hard to believe that we have only had Bailey this short time, too! She just blends right in with all of us. LIFE IS GOOD!

I can see the changes in Olivia in the recent photos, too. She looks like she has really opened up and is letting her guard down.

Her hair looks like it is growing so fast, Leslea! She'll have ponytails like Brinley before you know it!

Miss you all!